Development of novel and drama
Name :- chauhan Urvashi N.
Paper no :- neoclassical literature
Roll no:- 41
Year :- 2018/20
Topic:- development of novel and drama
Enrollment no :-2069108420190008
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Submitted to :- Smt. S.B. Gardi , Department of English Mk Bhavnagar
Neoclassical literature was written between 1670 and 1798. This time
period broken down in to three parts: 1. Restoration period
2. Augustan period
3.johnson age writers of the neoclassical
period tried to imitate the style of the romans and Greek . Thus the combination of the terms 'neo,' which means 'new,' and
'classical,' as in the day of the Roman and Greek classics. This was also the
era of The Enlightenment, which emphasized logic and reason. It was preceded by
The Renaissance and followed by the Romantic era. In fact, the Neoclassical
period ended in 1798 when Wordsworth published the Romantic 'Lyrical Ballads'.
of Neoclassical Literature :
literature is characterized by order, accuracy, and structure. In direct
opposition to Renaissance attitudes, where man was seen as basically good, the
Neoclassical writers portrayed man as inherently flawed. They emphasized
restraint, self-control, and common sense. This was a time
when conservatismflourished in both politics and literature.
popular types of literature included:
Melodrama, and
Rhyming with couplets
The Restoration
It is called the Restoration Period, as
King Charles was restored in this era. The Restoration Period lasted from
1660-1700. Writers of this age, Dryden and Milton, endeavoured to use sublime,
grand and impressive style, scholarly allusions, and mythology and curb the
intense use of imagination.
The Augustan
The Augustan Age is also called the Age
of Pope. Pope was the leading poet in this age. The Augustan Age lasted from
1700 to 1750.
The Age of
The Age of Johnson lasted up to 1798,
when the Romantic Movement was underway with the publication of Lyrical Ballads
by Wordsworth and Samuel Coleridge.
of neoclassical drama :
A concept of drama that originated in the
writings of 15th century Italian scholars and came to dominate the stage in
17th- and 18th-century France was the neoclassical drama. Neoclassical
theorists advocated a return to the values and conventions of classical Greek
drama as these were then understood. In particular, they ascribed a great
importance to the Poetics of Aristotle, and to the unities of time,
place, and action that they deduced from this work.
Comedy of manners was severely
attacked by Jeremy Collier of whom Colley Cibber was a close disciple. The
comedies of Cibber have all the characteristics of Sentimental Comedy. His
comedies end on a note of morality. His two sentimental comedies
are Love’s Last Shift and Provoked Husband.
Richard Steele, who popularised
the Periodical Essay, was perhaps the great playwright of the
sentimental comedy. He wrote three sentimental comedies viz. The Lying
Lover, The Tender Husbandand The Conscious Lovers.
He carried sentimental comedy after
the middle of the century. His important comedy is False Delicacy.
Mrs Centlivre, the wife of French cook
to Queen Anne, kept alive the spirit of restoration comedy in her plays.
Most notable of which is A Bold Stroke about 30 plays, some of which were
tragedies. His best sentimental comedies are The Brothers, The West
Indian and The Fashionable Lover.
wrote about 30 plays, some of which were tragedies. His best sentimental
comedies are The Brothers, The West Indian and The Fashionable
of drama
Rise of Novel
The main cause for the decline of drama,
during the 18th century, was the popularity gained by the novel. The rise
of novel displaced the drama. The novel had become truly
representative and free from most of the conventions that burdened the theatre.
It, in a better way, depicted life, manners and ideas.
An Age of Actors and Actresses
During this age, actors and actresses
became more important than the playwrights. People were more attracted towards
the performance of actors and actresses but never bothered about the qualities
of the plays that were being produced. People went to theatres mainly by the
fame of actors and actresses. Such fame of actors and actresses lowered the
prestige of drama. This discouraged the playwrights to produce good plays. This
was another cause for the decline of drama.
Revival of the old play
The revival of old plays hindered the
creation of new plays. The plays of Shakespeare, beaumont and fletcher
were revived. A number of tragedies of Shakespeare like Romeo and Juliet,
King Lear were given happy endings. Playwrights perhaps thought that writings
of new plays would be useless since people of the age were more interested in
the revival of old plays rather than the creation of new ones.
Lack of Support from Court
The drama of the age failed to receive
the support of the king. William-III was no patron of the theatre nor was Queen
Anne; nor was the first two Georges. Without the support of the king, it was
difficult for the dramatists to put their influence over the public of the day.
This also led to the decline of drama.
Moral Restraint
this age, the dramatists were restricted from presenting rude and offensive
scenes. Thus they had not that freedom which the writers of Comedy manner enjoyed.
Naturally, the scope of drama became restricted. Instead of broad humour of
comedy, writers of the preceding age, sentiments emerged in the world of
comedy. The comedies of the age bordered on sentimentality and everything that
seemed to have the tone of fun. Humour was regarded as a matter of distaste by
the public.
Heroic Drama
Heroic Tragedy was also
called “Heroic Drama”, but Dryden, the main supporter of
Tragedy, called it “Heroic Drama”. These plays were written in the Classical
model of the rhymed heroic couplet and later in blank verse tragedy.
This tragedy was only near tragedy.
theme of the heroic plays was based on the struggle between love and honour,
the hero and heroine were cast on the grand scale and their dialogues
consisted of elaborate speeches, in rhymed 10-syllabled couplets, full of
emotional and bombastic of such kind that its parallel would not be found.
The 18th century is generally
considered to be the first literary age during which we can speak of the novel
as a well established in British literature. The period is difficult to name.
It was called contemporaries Augustan and
neoclassical age.
The great types of literature, like epic,
drama, the romance, and the drama were first produced by other nations. but the
idea of the modern novel seems to have been worked out largely on english. The novel
is a long prose fiction having a plot, a number ofcharacters and the plot
developing and coming to a logical conclusion through the characters interaction
with one another. J.B. Priestley defines a novel “as a narrative in prose
treating chiefly of imagery characters and events”. Many critics divided the
novel into two classes: stories and romance the story being a form of which
relates certain incidents of life with as little complexity as possible and the
romance describes life as led by strong emotions in complex and unusual
circumstances, but the critics have divided the NeoClassical novels in
the following categories The novel started with Travelogues the stories
relating the adventures of the travelers or voyagers in unknown and unchartered
seas. The earliest of them is Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe; and Swift’s
Gulliver Travels. The next is The Picaresque Novel in which the hero is rouge
or a bad character who wanders from place to place and encounters many
adversaries who are equally roguish, for example the heroine of Defoe’s Moll
Flanders. The Epistolary Novel comes next in which plot develops and comes to
an end through the medium of letter Richardson’s Pamela. there is very little
dialogue amongst the characters because they exchange their views and thoughts
through their letters and replies. In Neo-Classical novel, the controversy
between rules and taste continued because the novel had new lyemerged and had
no theory or rules of its own available in any ancient or Augustan period, but
Fieldingwas only conscious artist who tried to forge a theory of the novel.
wheels of novel
The group of the first novelist of Augustan Age. 1) Richardson, 2) Smollett, 3) fielding and 4)
Sterne . They are called four wheels of novel. beginning of novel writing is made with an
enthralling and mysterious figure, Daniel Defoe . who gives us travelogue novel
Robinson Crusoe . Heregards the novel, not as a work of imagination, but as a
true relation and even the element of fact decreases, he maintains the close
realism of pseudo-fact. The combination of these qualities has given Robinson
Crusoe its immediate and continuous appeal. The next development in the novel,
and possibly the most important in its whole history in England, comes by the
ancient, Samuel Richardson. who is famous for Epistolary Novel Pamela in which
plot develops and comes to an endthrough the medium of letters. Richardson has
suffered from the appearance of contemporary, who disliked his work, and who
took an early opportunity of satirizing it, named Henry Fielding, who published
Andrew Joseph to ridicule Richardson’s Pamela. he contrived this satire by
revering the situation in Richardson’s novel. The next wheel, Tobias Smollett was
Fielding contemporary, though he is not of equal stature. If he brought to the
novel nothing that was new inform, he was able to introduce a new background,
in accounts of sea in the livid days of the old Navy in Roderick Random .which
portrays the life of rogue hero until his marriage with the loyal, beautiful
and incredible Narciss. Of the eighteenth century novelists, the strangest, and
the most variously judged, is Laurence Sterne, who is known for Life and
Opinion of Tristram Shan in which the reader has to wait until the third book
before the hero is born, and even then his future life remains undefined. After
the work of these four masters, the stream of fiction broadens continually,
until it reaches the flood with which no single intelligence and contended.
Richardson was a skilled letter writer
and his talent traces back to his childhood.Throughout his whole life, he would
constantly write to his various associates. Richardson had a
"faith" in the act of letter writing, and believed that letters could
be used to accurately portray character traits. He quickly adopted
the epistolary novel form, which granted him the tools, the space,
and the freedom to develop distinctly different characters speaking directly to
the reader.The characters of Pamela, Clarissa,
and Grandison are revealed in a personal way, with the first two
using the epistolary form for "dramatic" purposes, and the last for
"celebratory" purposes.
In his first
novel, Pamela, he explored the various complexities of the title
character's life, and the letters allow the reader to witness her develop and
progress over time. The novel was an experiment, but it allowed Richardson to
create a complex heroine through a series of her letters. When Richardson wrote Clarissa,
he had more experience in the form and expanded the letter writing to four
different correspondents, which created a complex system of characters
encouraging each other to grow and develop over time. However, the villain of
the story, Lovelace is also involved in
the letter writing, and this leads to tragedy. Leo Braudy described the
benefits of the epistolary form of Clarissa as Language can work
letters can be ways to communicate and justify By the time Richardson
writes Grandison, he transforms the letter writing from telling of
personal insights and explaining feelings into a means for people to
communicate their thoughts on the actions of others and for the public to
celebrate virtue. The letters are no longer written for a few people, but are
passed along in order for all togetherness. There are many novelist and
Dramatists in neoclassical age. So that is development of novel and drama in
neoclassical age.
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